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Misti Nicholson Misti Nicholson

Treatment For OCD with Therapists at Austin Anxiety and OCD Specialists

Unfortunately, it often takes people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) many years to receive proper diagnosis and treatment after symptom onset. In fact, due to stigma, embarrassment, lack of public awareness about OCD, financial barriers, and lack of access to a properly trained mental health professional, some estimates suggest that it takes an average of 14-17 years to obtain proper treatment. There are, however, very effective treatments available.

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Misti Nicholson Misti Nicholson

Therapy for OCD at Austin Anxiety and OCD Specialists

OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which is a neurobiological condition that affects an estimated 1 in 100 children and 1 in 40 adults across the United States. OCD causes unwanted, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that often lead to repetitive behaviors, routines or rituals (compulsions) that are performed in an effort to ease anxiety.

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