Anxiety Disorder Treatment in Austin
Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by chronic, persistent anxiety and worry that is not associated with any one event or situation. Common worries include fear of: losing control, not being able to cope, failure, rejection or abandonment, illness and death. In children and adolescents, the focus of worry is often on school and athletic performance. We all experience anxiety from time to time; however, for those with generalized anxiety disorder, the worry is excessive and out of proportion to the reality of the situation. With generalized anxiety disorder, there is a tendency to overestimate the likelihood of something bad happening and underestimate the ability to cope if that situation does, in fact, occur. Generalized anxiety disorder is common and can develop at any age.
Recognizing Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Recommended Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Like other anxiety disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorder responds well to treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered the treatment of choice with emphasis placed on identifying anxious thoughts, challenging those thoughts, and generating alternative coping thoughts. Relaxation techniques targeting physical symptoms of stress and anxiety may also be a helpful component of the treatment plan. These new skills are then implemented in situations that cause anxiety (in vivo exposures). This is accomplished gradually beginning with the easiest situations then progressing to the more difficult.

Don't settle for a life limited by anxiety.
Schedule an appointment with our dedicated anxiety specialists, and experience the freedom of creating your own path.